Day 1 – Tuesday, April 10, 2012 – Depart Denver, CO to San Francisco, CA
We spent a beautiful day in Colorado getting the house ready for our friend Tim who will stay with Buddha while we are on this new travel adventure. We had planned to leave at 3:00 but by 2:30 we had finished our final preparations and we left for DIA.
Our travel agent Emma from Exito Travel in Fort Collins, CO had changed our reservations from 9:35 to an earlier 6:15 Frontier flight. Gennie had checked to make sure that our bags would be checked all the way from Denver to Hanoi by speaking to Emma and also to a representative from Frontier.
The women assured her that yes, the bags could be checked all the way through and yes, we would have the Business Class weight accommodation, and no, we would not have to pay the $40 for baggage fees because the international rules for fees and baggage prevailed.
Contrary to our initial findings, the gate agents at the Frontier desk said they could not check our baggage all the way through because we had a separate ticket on the Frontier leg of our journey. Lesson to all travelers who are flying international; make sure you are booked on one continuous ticket, not separate bookings.
As if that was not enough misinformation, the ladies at the desk told us that we would have to pay the $40 fee to check our two bags, regardless of what we were told about flying internationally and on Business Class tickets.
The final hammer was that my bag was overweight by 1.5 pounds, as they were going by Frontier's 50 pound limit, not the 70 pound international quota. Luckily, the gate agent took pity on us. Keeping a sense of humor and not letting this little snag ruin our trip, we paid the fees, checked the bags to San Francisco, and breezed through security.
When we got to the Frontier gate A42, we found out that our flight coming in from Dallas was delayed until 7:00. At 6:30 they updated the departure time to 8:00 as there is a queue waiting to land in the Bay Area. Hopefully, we will still have plenty of time after our arrival to collect our bags and recheck them on China Airlines.
The flight finally started boarding at 8:30 and we were wheels up at 8:50. The flight was only two hours and twenty minutes, just long enough to read and take a little cat nap.
We landed in San Francisco at 10:00 and waited for our two bags. We found the international terminal and received our boarding passes for both Taipei and Hanoi. Our bags were checked through to Hanoi so we will not have to worry about them until the next day.
Our gate agent offered us passes to the Dynasty Lounge where we were able to finish the journal and post the first day of our Southeast Asia Adventure.
Post a Comment!What a start to your new adventure. I can't wait to read all about it!
Day 10 - Tuesday, March 11, 2025 –Ship Docked in Málaga, Spain; Costa del Sol; Andalusia
The Clio docked at the Port of Malaga just before midnight enabling us to have a very calm night’s sleep. The alarm went off at 7:15 and we had...