Wildlife and Animals of Costa Rica
Agouti (Guatusa) (Forest Guinea Pig)
Anteater, Collared (Tamandua)
Ants, Leaf Cutter
Bat, Long Nosed
Bird, Great Frigate
Birds, Anhinga Snake Fishing
Boas, - several
Buffalo, Water
Butterfly, Blue Morpho
Butterfly, Owl
Caracar, Yellow Headed
Cayman, Spectacled
Coati, White Nosed
Collard Red Start
Creeper, Green Honey
Creeper, Shining Honey
Crocodiles, American
Cuckoo, Ground
Curassow, Great (Pair)
Egret, Snowy
Egrets, Cow
Flamingos, Pink
Flycatchers, Tropical Kimgber
Fox, Gray
Frogs, Red Eye Tree
Gallinule, Purple
Grackel, Great Tailed
Guan, Black (Pava Negra)
Hawk, Gray
Hawk, Common Black
Hawk, Roadside
Heron, Tiger
Heron, Little Blue
Heron, Green Backed
Heron, Great Blue
Hummingbird, Violet Sabre Wing
Hummingbird, White Necked Jacobin
Iguana, Ctenosaurs
Jacana, Northern
Jay, Brown
Jay, White Throated Magpie
Kingfisher, Belted
Lizard, Jesus Christ
Macaw, Great Green
Macaw, Scarlet (pairs)
Marinas, Bufous
Monkey, Howler
Monkey, White Faced
Motmot, Blue Crowned
Oropendola, Montezuma
Parakeet, Green
Parrot, Amazon
Parrot, Red Lored
Pelican, Brown
Porcupine, Prehensile Tailed
Robin, Clay Colored
Sandpipers, Spotted
Slot, 3 Toed
Spider, X
Spoonbill, Roseate
Squirrel, Varigated
Start. Collared Red
Start, Slate Throated Red
Stilts, Black Neck
Stork, Wood
Swallows, Mangrove
Tanager, Scarlet
Tananger, Crimson Collard
Toad, Cane
Toucan, Keel Billed
Toucan, Chestnut Mandible
Vulture, King
Vultures, Turkey
Warbler, Yellow
Water Buffalo
Woodpecker, Lineated
Day 10 - Tuesday, March 11, 2025 –Ship Docked in Málaga, Spain; Costa del Sol; Andalusia
The Clio docked at the Port of Malaga just before midnight enabling us to have a very calm night’s sleep. The alarm went off at 7:15 and we had...