Day 2 - December 5, 2002 - San Jose to Tortuguero and Mawamba Lodge
My watch alarm went off at 5:25 and we got up. We were supposed to get a wake-up call at 5:30 but it did not come till 5:45. We were out of the room at 6:05 after a shower and shave. We had a cup of Costa Rican coffee and it was black and good.
Our transportation was to be there at 6:10 but did not show until 6:20. We packed our stuff and were told we would meet others and a bus at another location. We were given a brief tour of San Jose and saw the people going to work, the market etc.
We finally met the small bus - 17 people, tour guide and driver and co pilot. It was a nice morning in SJ and we drove out of town, heading north east to Tortuguero.
Our tour guide is very knowledgeable and kept a running dialog about the area and environment. Once we got into the mountains it clouded up and the began to rain in earnest. The bus had air conditioning and some of the Europeans complained about being cold.
We drove through the rain forest and saw what Jorge Fernandez mentioned as a very severe rainy season. We crossed the continental divide and then began to go down. We had reached an altitude over 4,000 feet and would go to the ocean.
About an hour outside of San Jose we stopped for breakfast at the Rio Danta Restaurant and Reserve. We all sat together and they brought plates to the table. Tamarind and another juice, fresh fruit and then rice and beans and scrambled eggs. Rolls and coffee. The rice and beans were excellent - they call it Gallo Pico and when I mixed it with the scrambled eggs it was very tasty.
We got back in the bus and then stopped to see a sloth up on a tree. Then we stopped to see a banana plantation and find out how they do that. We went through towns that were covered in mud from the heavy rains and the rivers rising above the borders.
We finally got to the coast, little canal where we were going to get on a launch and go the Mawamba Lodge. We waited there and the launch finally arrived. Passengers got off, they loaded fuel and then us. There were about 35 people and we were off. No sightseeing as we needed to get to lunch.
We went from one canal to another, seeing the devastation that the rains had brought. One area was so clogged with vegetation that one craft got stuck. We were able to make a run, a guy in the back lifted the two outboard engines and we got through.
We saw howler monkeys in the trees, lizards, water buffaloes, spoon billed flamingos, and all sort of life. Our group is made up of English, Spanish, Americans, Dutch, and a family from Belize.
We got to Mawamba Lodge at 1:30 - 50 miles on the water, and were greeted with a beverage and keys to our room. They do have a telephone, but it is out due to the rains and someone should come to fix it in one or two days. We have a nice room facing the lagoon/canal and have a large fan and two screened windows. Nice bathrooms.
Lunch was buffet style. Lots of food and beverage. One of the sweet beverages attracted a little bee. I just pulled them out and served everyone. Lunch was OK - lots of rice and beans and meat. Palm hearts! After coffee and dessert we had a little time to get organized and then went for a boat ride to Tortuguero and walked to town and up the beach back to the Lodge.
The weather and humidity is very similar to Tororomba. Hot (87 degrees) and very humid. The walked served to show us how poor the people are but they seem happy. Schools were really run down. Beach is dark sand from the volcanic rock. No one is to swim in the ocean - very dangerous. Horrible undertow.
We walked back looking for turtles - did not see any - and their eggs but saw lots of shells. We got back to the Lodge, took some sunset pictures, and went to sit by the pool and have a drink. They were strong.
Jorge showed up and showed us the tiny little red eyed tree frogs. I could not use flash so I had to use a timed shot. Blurry, but they are beautiful. We have seen butterflies and just before dinner, we walked to the pool and saw a boa constrictor on the path. Small.
Jorge gave us a talk and a slide show with the fauna of the area. Mom was not feeling well so we came back to the room at 7:30, showered, set the alarm for tomorrow morning - 5:15 - and finished this log.
Day 10 - Tuesday, March 11, 2025 –Ship Docked in Málaga, Spain; Costa del Sol; Andalusia
The Clio docked at the Port of Malaga just before midnight enabling us to have a very calm night’s sleep. The alarm went off at 7:15 and we had...