DAY 7 - DECEMBER 10, 2002 - Manuel Antonio National Park, Jaco, Villa Lapas
We were up at 6:15, showered and were out the door at 6:45 and took some pictures of the hotel and the grounds. The rest of the group came in at 7 AM and we had a leisurely breakfast with Harry.
We left at 7:45 to go to Manuel Antonio by way of the coastal highway going south. We passed palm plantations where they grow the small orange colored coconuts used for palm oil and perfume. We saw various stages of the growth of the trees. They use the tree for 25 years and then plant new ones. The plantations used to be for bananas so there are company houses for the workers.
We crossed several rivers and saw water birds and our first caymans, the CR alligators. We passed Jaco beach, surfing area, and proceeded south to MA National Park. When we got to the town of Quepos, we drove through and went directly to the parking area, where Harry paid. We had quite a long walk to the other side of the park through the jungle passing the public beaches.
We got to Manuel Antonio beach and found a group of 75 to 100 little children who were on a school field trip. We laid out our towels at the OTHER END of the beach. The highlight of this area were the white faced monkeys who were very tame and begged for food. I got a lot of great pictures with both cameras.
We also saw hermit crabs and many iguanas which were 2 to 3 feet long. They would come up to backpacks and try to get food. Craig and Dave played cribbage and we took walk on the beach and swam. We left there about 1 PM and went to Quepos for lunch at a beach bar.
On the way back north, we stopped to shop at the Si Como No - Yes, Why Not - hotel. There was a very slow connection on the internet so we left. After an hour trip we got to Jaco and there the phone lines were down. We were on the main street and reminded us of Mazatlan with the tourist shops, restaurants and people.
We had some ice cream while the others shopped. We talked for a while and then we found an internet that had a decent connection and we sent the 2 ZIP files. We drove back in the dark to the Villa Lapas.
We had a shower, packed a little and went to dinner. I had heard that CR had a national drink called GUARO so I tried it. When I got to the bar, the bartender told me that the drink was called Caipirina. I said just like Brasil and he made me one. Not as good as the ones I have had there but OK. I then had a second one with real limes mixed into the lime juice. Better.
We had dinner, then other members of the Sun Tour came to our table and we told stories and the tour guides told us there adventures, how to see birds, and other interesting things about CR. Finally at 9 PM we came back to our rooms to edit the pictures and write the journal.
Day 10 - Tuesday, March 11, 2025 –Ship Docked in Málaga, Spain; Costa del Sol; Andalusia
The Clio docked at the Port of Malaga just before midnight enabling us to have a very calm night’s sleep. The alarm went off at 7:15 and we had...