Costa Rica

Day 1 - December 4, 2002 Flight from Denver, to Miami, to San Jose, Costa Rica

We got up at 5:15 and were out of the house by 6:01. We drove the Dodge van to Denver, Craig and Lucinda’s house, where we met Dave and Sue Pettygrew.

We all got in their Chevy Suburban, went out Quebec and then took E-470 to the airport. We parked at Pikes Peak and took the shuttle to the airport. We got in the American Airlines area and it took us only about 15 minutes to get checked in.

The six of us then went through security in the north area, quick, and then took the train to the C concourse. We ate a quick breakfast at McDonalds, talked and then went to wait for our flight. We sat across from each other, 3 and 3, and our flight was easy to Miami.

Once we arrived in Miami, Gate E-32, we had to go to Gate E-9. Unfortunately, we had to go through security and Gennie’s shoes got her in trouble again and she had to be wanded. We got a bite to eat by the gate, we shared a Pizza Hut combination, bread sticks and a drink.

They called our flight, we got in the plane, sitting on the two seat side, with one in front of the other. They closed the plane, ready for takeoff at 5:25 but then they told us there was a problem with fuel leakage and we had to get off the plane and go E-33, again through security, and we waited until 7:20 to take off.

The plane was half full so it was an easy flight. They did serve us drinks and pretzels but no meal on a 2:40 flight. We got to San Jose, Costa Rica at 9:15, went through immigration, had our bags checked in their X-Ray machines and went out. Nice airport. Temperature in the mid 70s.

We were met by Carlos who got us all in a small 10 passenger Toyota van. He drove us to the Milvia Hotel, a converted old house with wooden floors. I asked if there was an internet available. He mentioned that if I knew how to turn the machine and turn it off again, I could use it. So I was able to use their internet for $1:40.

I exchanged some money and then went to the room to get ready for a 6:10 departure to Tortuguero in the morning. It is 11:40 at night.


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