Day 05 - Wednesday, April 28, 2010 – Frederikssund, Denmark
We woke up to a beautiful sunny day. The weather was a cool 54º, the humidity was 76% and there was a slight breeze of 6 mph.
After eating our breakfast we made sure we had all of our equipment and materials ready for our presentation to Cecilie’s class. We left the house at 10:20 and drove into Frederikssund.
At Marienlystskolen, a local K-9 school, the teacher, Annette welcomed us and showed us to the large lecture room where Jesper and I hooked up the computer to their projector and the sound system.
While Annette ran off the handouts we had prepared, we tested the system to make sure everything was prepared for the 7th graders.
As the students came in they greeted us and we noted they seemed eager to have guest speakers, if only to avoid their regular classes!
After a slide presentation on the highlights of Colorado, Gennie began to talk about a few of the topics that the class had asked us to discuss.
I talked to them briefly about ages for driver’s licenses, school rules, and many of the recollections of Lewis-Palmer and my days teaching in the high school.
There was time for a few questions that the students had talked about before our arrival. We were very pleased with the interest and their attention. As usual we are always amazed the kids the world over are so similar!
The girls came home after lunch; we have learned they have very short school days in Danish schools. We took the opportunity to go on a drive to visit a few local attractions.
Our first stop was the Gerlev Kirke, an 11th Century Lutheran Church. This was similar to many of the country churches we have seen in our travels around Denmark.
From the church we walked around the little village to find a small park with a pond. The pond was used in the olden days as a reservoir for water in case of fires.
The houses in this area are of the old style with thatched roofs and bright colors. We talked to an elderly gentleman who lived next to the pond.
What a colorful character! He gave us some information about the area and seemed very pleased to have someone to talk with and to take his picture!
Gennie was especially excited about our next stop – an old dairy that now made specialty ice cream! Everyone enjoyed the ice cream at Hansen’s Dairy and we a chance to stretch our legs.
Just a short way up the road was Jaegerspris Slot, a 14th Century Palace and former hunting lodge of Frederick VII. Although the castle was closed, we walked around the grounds and got a feeling for this luxurious life style.
We returned to Poulsen’s and while the girls took a power nap, we caught up on mail and Jesper got ready for his soccer game. I went with Jesper and the ladies opted to stay home. I saw that he still has his quickness and skill in this men’s league.
Dinner was served at 9:30, stylishly Scandinavian. Ulla had made Mexican food especially for us! We certainly will not have too much of that on our Eastern European adventure!
Accommodations: Poulsen Château
Post a Comment!Thanks Vic&Jenny for this nice experience, i like this beutifull sunset photo...keep going many thanks Jamal from Mar
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