Day 8 - Saturday, September 15, 2001
We got up very early, 6:15, and had breakfast at 7. We know it will be a long day on the bus.
We started our southern trek at 7:45 and were on our way, past Rome and on to Monte Casino, the location of one of the most famous battles of World War II.
The Germans controlled the top - the Monastery and the Allies could not get by on the valley below. Thousands of Allies were killed. We went to the Commonwealth Cemetery for the British, the Canadians, and other allies.
Lunch was at an interstate eatery and it was good. Lots of olive oil on the salad.
We got back on the bus and went down to Naples and the city of Pompeii. We got to see Mount Vesuvius which blew its top in 79 AD and buried the whole city under lava and ash.
Once in Pompeii and into the old city, we had a guided tour of the city buried in the ash from the volcano. Very interesting and very different.
Back on the bus and took the scenic road past Naples to Sorrento. Unbelievable views of the bay from way up on the cliffs. I do not know how the bus driver got through some areas.
We got to the hotel after 7PM and had dinner at 7:35. We always had bottles of wine on the table.
After we finished dinner - 8:55 - we went to a musical - opera like - The Musical of Sorrento at the Teatro Tasso. We were on the first two rows and had a great view.
They served wine and champagne before and after. I was on the isle and one of the dancers came over and got me to do a couple of turns with her. What a thrill ;-)!
Day 10 - Tuesday, March 11, 2025 –Ship Docked in Málaga, Spain; Costa del Sol; Andalusia
The Clio docked at the Port of Malaga just before midnight enabling us to have a very calm night’s sleep. The alarm went off at 7:15 and we had...