Day 07 - Saturday, March 8, 2025 – Day at Sea
For a day at sea with no onshore activities, we were busy all day. We were able to sleep in until 7:30 as breakfast was later today. We are getting to know many of our fellow passengers and learn more about them and their experiences with travel.
The day was beautiful and the seas were relatively calm. We took time to sit outside on our little veranda to enjoy the warm weather and sunshine.
At 10:00 Aziz and Nour, Tour Leaders, presented a discussion of the Islam Religion. We learned about the history of Mohammad and the five Pillars of Islam: Profession of faith, Prayer, Alms, Fasting, and Pilgrimage. We also discussed the controversies and misconceptions of the Muslim faith.
We took time to explore more areas of the ship. We found our way to the sun deck and in no time, we were called to lunch, another delicious buffet. We are learning to pace ourselves but the food all looks and smells so wonderful, it is very tempting not to eat just a salad.
At 3:00 Victor and Katia, the other two Tour Leaders, lead a discussion about the African diaspora and international immigration. The conversation was very difficult to hear and very controversial but one that many in the world are reluctant to speak about.
Many desperate people cross the borders to the African Spanish cities of Ceuta and Melilla. Most immigrants come from Senegal, Mauritania, and Western Sahara to find a better life in Europe. Their lives are so terrible that they risk everything to get out and find a better environment.
All of the Sir Edmund Hillary Club, travelers who have been on three or more trips, were invited for a reception at 5:30. As this is our 32nd trip with OAT, we were given a pin, received a gift, and we were recognized as loyal travelers with Overseas Adventure Travelers.
The Captain's Port Talk followed our SEH reception. He began by saying he had bad news and then he told us of the storms we would be heading into at the western end of the Mediterranean Sea. We will be able to spend the morning in Algiers but we will have to leave to sail across to Spain to avoid the 15-foot waves and 55 knot winds. Who knew the weather was this crazy in March? But he reminded us that safety comes first and we all agreed that one day in Algeria was better than none.
By 8:50 we were back in our cabin finishing the journal. We have an exciting day at the port of Algiers tomorrow. Once again, thank you for following our adventure that is turning into a totally different itinerary because of the storms. We are making memories!
Accommodations: M/V Clio
Youse guys are having waaay too much fun!!! Plus you’re “killing” me with the exotic trips you take that my sig other always comments, “how come we don’t do that??!!” Thanks guys!
You are certainly running into a lot of bad weather! I hope you have smooth sailing from now on. But I'm happy they are keeping you safe, and you're still learning about different parts of the world. You missed snow at home!
Post a Comment!What fun & interesting travels!
Day 10 - Tuesday, March 11, 2025 –Ship Docked in Málaga, Spain; Costa del Sol; Andalusia
The Clio docked at the Port of Malaga just before midnight enabling us to have a very calm night’s sleep. The alarm went off at 7:15 and we had...