Classic Norway

Day 09 - Friday, July 25, 2014 - Cross the Skagerrak Sea; Disembark the Pearl Seaways; Day in Copenhagen

Our cabin for the evening was very comfortable and we slept well. At 8:00 AM we met the Poulsens for breakfast in the main dining room. We have discovered that the Scandinavian breakfasts have great bread, a variety of meats and cheeses, and wonderful yogurts.

As the ship got closer to Denmark and to docking in Copenhagen, we went up to the top deck to take photos as we approached the harbor. Shining in the morning sun, the capital is a very beautiful city.

After thanking the crew, we took our bags to Jesper’s office to store them for the day; we met his colleagues, and then began our trek through the city. We passed the Royal Palace, many picturesque parks, and churches.

We walked through the Kastellet Citadel, an old military base dated from 1663, now a spacious open space. There is still an active defense presence and we saw soldiers marching and standing guard in the hot sun.

As we walked over bridges, through the colorful streets, we passed 17th century warehouses, and then old factories, Jesper told us they were now expensive condominiums. Young people are starting to come back to live in the city but the prices are sky-high.

We stopped at a dockside café for a cold drink and then continued on along the waterfront. We watched the canal boats as they glided on the water. The guides on the PA were pointing out important city highlights.

Many businesses close early on Friday afternoons so there were many people out and about enjoying this rare warm weather. The city did not seem crowed and Copenhagen has done a great job redirecting traffic with the Metro System.

Our destination for the day was Christiania, an alternative city within the city. Begun in 1971 in an abandoned military area, there are only three rules: Be Happy, No running (it causes panic), and No Photographs.

Known for supporting a free life style, Christiania has visible pot shops, cafés, bars, and live music venues. Still controversial because of the marijuana, Coloradoans fit right in!

After a quick stop for ice cream, we were back to the main portion of the city. We took the metro back to Jesper’s office to pick up our bags and head for Frederikssund.

Frederikssund is located on the east coast of Roskilde Fjord; Jesper and Ulla have lived in this area for many years. Ulla and Jesper served us a delicious dinner outdoors on their patio. None of the precious hours of sunlight are wasted, as it will be fall and then dark winter before they know it.

Lingering over dinner, catching up with family and friends is always the most important part of traveling. It had been a long warm day so we were eager to get to sleep – more to come on Saturday.

For the next two days we will be in Frederikssund with our friends and then on Monday Jesper will take us to the airport on his way to work. We will arrive home late Monday night.

This will be our last journal entry for Classic Norway. Thank you so much for following our latest adventure. Stay tuned for our next trip to Southern Peru and Bolivia in the fall.

Accommodations: Poulsen’s Palace - - - Meal: B, L, D

Please see our Trip Evaluation -- Click Here --
A Complete Review of
Gate 1 - Classic Norway


Thank you both for a nice and relaxed chat at Copenhagen Airport. When you told us about your website, we didn't even start to dream about such a great site as this one. We are very impressed! Good luck on your future adventures, and as I said, if you ever come to Trondheim, look me up. I might be able to arrange a special tour of the Nidaros Cathedral for you.

The roller derby guys   July 28, 2014 - 5:54pm

How fun to ride an overnight ferry with room accommodations; just like a cruise ship. When they bused us through Copenhagen, we too were surprised by the amount of people on bikes. In the downtown area we noticed that the bike paths were as wide as an interstate lane. Ladies and gentlemen all dressed up for their business day, were on bikes. Quite an unusual sight for us.!

Lindy   July 27, 2014 - 8:57pm

How exciting. Love the pic of the Canal in Copenhagen -- what's up with all the bikes! Wow! So glad you had time to spend with your friends. Visiting old fiends is a very pleasant experience. I am unpacking my bags and I will repack for he Fall trip to Southern Peru and Bolivia. YEAH!

Pat   July 27, 2014 - 3:10pm
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Copenhagen Canal Boats

Copenhagen Canal Boats (1:06)

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Entering Copenhagen Harbor

Entering Copenhagen Harbor

Kastellet Citadel

Kastellet Citadel



Canals of Copenhagen

Canals of Copenhagen



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