Day 04 - October 15, 2011 - Saturday - Drive to Saint John, NB, Canada
The sun woke us up this morning – imagine our pleasure to see a clear morning sunrise! It was windy with the temperature 58° and the humidity was 82%.
Breakfast was not included in our family owned Machias Motor Inn so we checked out of the room and turned north to find a Dunkin Donuts! After a coffee, milk for Gennie and a couple of donuts we were good for the morning.
By 8:15 we were back on US Route 1 and we began our trek to Canada. Now that the sun was out we could see the glorious colors and we know why Judy loves her Maine so much!
Stopping frequently to take photos of the quaint homes, the beautiful forests, the red wild blueberry fields, and the reflective lakes, we thought about not going beyond the border.
We found Cobscook Bay State Park and drove through the dense trees to Harbor Point and then to several open fields overlooking Whiting Bay and the low tides. The trees were so fragrant; our pines do not smell as lovely.
I decided to stop for gas in Calais, a beautiful little border town with many well kept Victorian homes. The price here was $3.59/gal and much cheaper than we found in Canada. A good decision!
At Calais/St. Stephen’s we crossed the border and were chosen for the random check for entry. In less than 10 minutes the agents had scanned our passports and gotten into all of our legal and personal information and found us eligible for entry into Canada.
Amazingly, we were able to take photos of the border and then stopped after we had entered Canada to look back and photograph the International Bridge joining our two countries. At the border we changed our clocks to Atlantic Time.
Today we had a leisurely drive so we got off of Canada Route 1 and investigated many of the spits out into the Atlantic including Oak Bay. Then we found a narrow parish road, #127 to St. Andrew’s, a cute little tourist town overlooking the Bay of Fundy.
We explored the coastline and visited a typical Block House built for the War of 1812. The tiny slits in the house for rifles and larger windows opening to fire canons were very impressive.
There were not many tourists in St. Andrew’s but most of the shops were still open even though all of the Information Centers had closed for the season. We split a BLT sandwich at Lumberjack’s Subs at noon.
We continued on 127 along the coast and then back to Route 1 to Lepreau where we took the turn-off to 790 which took us to Dipper Harbor. At Little Lepreau we made another photo stop to photograph the 1910 Covered Bridge over the Little Lepreau River and Mill Pond.
Things were very quiet at Dipper Harbor; the lobster traps and floats were drying in the sun while the lonely fishing boats were bobbing in the waves. We found ourselves practicing our French as we read the road signs which are written in both English and French.
We arrived in Saint John at 3:30 and found our Comfort Inn easily. The desk clerk gave us information on car washes and laundries. While Gennie multi-tasked at the laundry, typing the journal and doing the clothes, I washed the car, dispelling the rumor that no one washes rentals!
With clean clothes and a clean car we were ready to explore more of Canada’s Atlantic Provinces. We returned to the hotel to settle in and get our messages.
At 7:00 we went out to eat and then came back to look at the maps and review the route we will take to Prince Edward’s Island tomorrow.
Accommodations: Comfort Inn, Saint John, NB, Canada
P.S. Please keep the gorgeous pictures coming our way!
Hello! Looks like we were both in NY at the same time! I landed in Newark, NJ the same time you guys landed in Albany. So close, yet so far away! Safe travels...
Hi! We just came back from a cruise to Portland and Bar harbor, ME, St. John's in New Brunswick and Halifax, NS! It would have been funny if we had seen you at one of those places! We had beautiful weather until Boston and then we had rain and rolling seas but it cleared yesterday and we arrived in baltimore, MD today at 7am and are back home. It was a year ago we were on our Israel trip! What good memories. Enjoy the rest of your trip! Lake and Lynn
Post a Comment!What a beautiful time to visit and such a cool trip ... I'll have to follow in your footsteps someday with my family considering this is in our backyard! Great pictures, as usual! Thanks.
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