Day 03 - Sunday - May 30, 2010 - Kodiak, Alaska
Sunrise: 5:20 AM AKDT Sunset: 10:54 PM AKDT Length of Day: 17h 34m
The Bald Eagles and Sea Gulls woke us up with their cries this morning. It was raining again; the forecast was for light mist and fog for the day. The temperature was 46º with 98% humidity.
The Martins warned us ahead of time of this typical spring weather so we came prepared and have not been cold or wet. We noticed yesterday that we were among the few carrying umbrellas; everyone else seems to just put their hoods up and walk in the rain.
After breakfast Gennie wrote a few post cards and I caught up on photos and looked at the Crab Festival Activities for the day.
About 10:30 we got ready to face the rain, called Kathy and asked if Skipper (the boat dog) could come out and play. Of course, he was ready to go for a walk so Kathy brought him up and while we went out; she used our internet to post her ship’s blog.
We came back dry, but Skipper was wet and dirty! This black volcanic soil and Golden Retrievers do not mix. Kathy hosed him off and then dried him so he could come back onto the boat.
At 12:30 we went back to the Crab Festival. We met Vic & Kathy at the Baranov Museum and saw the Kodiak Russian Balalaika Players. They were Folk Musicians from Russian lineage, carrying on the traditional music from the Russians who settled here long ago as traders and fur trappers.
We tried to go to the bed races, but missed them. Evidently there were only four entries as the rain had washed them out.
Next on the Festivities Schedule we went to see the Kodiak Island Drummers - a youth percussion group led by a native band teacher. Boy, were they good, but our ear "drums" were still ringing as we walked back to the Food Court!
We shared a crab sandwich and an ice cream bar – such healthy living….right! At 4:00 the Coast Guard was going to inspect the Martin’s sail boat and we went back to the hotel to catch up on the journal and look at the day’s photos.
We walked down to the Harbor at 6:00 to have dinner with Martins and their family. Tonight we returned to Henry’s as Kathy reminded everyone we could not have crab every night! By 7:00 we were ready to hear Captain Philippe Hercher’s lecture on his experimental work-boat, the 70' Le Manguier.
We saw fascinating images of the vessel's voyage from the Atlantic to the North Pacific via Russia's north coast. He talked about how commercial vessels can lessen their impact on the environment.
It was 9:30 by the time we got back home to our dry hotel after another exciting day in Kodiak.
Accommodations: Best Western Kodiak Inn
Day 10 - Tuesday, March 11, 2025 –Ship Docked in Málaga, Spain; Costa del Sol; Andalusia
The Clio docked at the Port of Malaga just before midnight enabling us to have a very calm night’s sleep. The alarm went off at 7:15 and we had...