The Northern Isles

Day 20 - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - Amsterdam, Netherlands to Monument, CO

We had a good night at the Crown Plaza City Center, sleeping until 8 AM. Very soft bed but we were tired after a good bit of walking all day on Monday. We got all of our luggage organized, locked with plastic straps, and ready to go for when we returned to the room.

I went downstairs to check with the concierge about our flight. He made the call to Continental and the flight was still scheduled to leave at 3:50 PM GMT +2. I then went to the Holland America desk and asked them if I could return the safety deposit box key that I had inadvertently taken with me. They were nice and took it.

Gennie and I left the hotel and decided to get a coffee somewhere in our walk this cool but partly sunny morning. Our first priority was to check out Central Train Station and see if it would be feasible for us to use the train to go from the hotel to Schiphol Airport. Everyone there was very helpful.

We found out where to buy the tickets, what doors to enter through to drag our luggage and what escalator to use to get to the right tracks. We then went to a ticket machine and following the instructions in English we got one ticket - 3 Euros.

We left the station to look for a ATM machine that would take the American Express card. We had found out that my VISA card from MBNA would not accept my pin number. I have never had so much problem with a card as we have had since our credit union switched from the CITI card in April.

We walked up and down the streets and walks of Amsterdam and saw the city waking up at 10 AM! City workers were cleaning the street, young and old, male and female were riding into town on their bicycles. Everyone rides a bicycle - cheaper and easier to use and park. They have bicycle paths on every street and walk.

We stopped by a canal, under some trees, and bought a bagel with cream cheese, fresh squeezed orange juice, and a coffee for 6.50 Euros. We ate outside at a table and watched people going to work or just walking by.

After this small breakfast we walked back to the hotel, then decided to continue our walk for a good ATM machine. The concierge showed us where AmEx was located, about 5 blocks away, so Gennie and I walked a different route.

As we got to the central square we saw a series of ATM machines that accepted the card. I got 100 Euros and we were in business. I want to find out what AmEx will charge as a fee for using their card for our upcoming trip to Europe (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) in early September.

We walked back to the hotel, went to our room, washed up a bit and we were ready to check out. At the front desk they took care of us and Gennie and I grabbed our suitcases - two large red ones and or small rolling travel bag and then my briefcase and Gennie’s red travel bag and left the hotel.

One of the taxis drivers at the door jumped down and opened the door to his Mercedes and then gave us a quizzical look when we continued on to Central Station. We had no problems with rolling our bags except when we came across people going the other way - specially when the sidewalk got narrow.

We went through many intersections without any problems, got to the Station, bought the second ticket and then took the escalator to track 14A where we asked a conductor if the train stopped at the airport. She said yes, first stop, 15 minutes, so we got our luggage on board, right at the front of the train, and 10 minutes later we were on our way.

The train was very clean, very quick, and very quiet. We could not feel the rail splits. 15 minutes later we were at Schiphol and the only problem we had was finding the Continental Airline check in. After reading the board and deciphering their codes we proceeded there and were ready to check in.

Gennie spoke to one of their attendants and we were told we needed paper tickets as we were not on their computers. So, while I stayed with our luggage, Gennie went to the Continental desk. Our problem was that we had been registered with our first name as the last and the last as the first - how wonderful! We thought this problem had been taken care of before we left.

Gennie returned with tickets, she checked with the Business class attendant and we were checked in ahead of other. One nice thing. We then went through passport control, then the x-ray check and got to the waiting area. This is a very nice and modern airport. Even though they have a duty free area, their prices are higher than retail US.

We sat down for the three hour wait we had. We read a copy of the NY Times and USA Today. Gennie wanted a Hagen-Daz ice cream so we each had one.

The only problem with this location is the cigarette smoke. All over the Netherlands, smoking is an accepted habit and MANY people do. So a cigarette haze is everywhere. For us who are not used to this, it is not pleasant. I also smell it on my clothes.

We moved down to gate G-7 and there I began to type the journal. At 2 PM the security personnel began to take us in. One has to go to a check in area. Then a person takes each person/couple and we have to show our passport, tickets and have to answer questions.

Much more detailed and longer than the US. Asked us where we stayed last night, how long we had been there, battery powered items, we have to tell them what they were, etc. We are then given a stamp to the back of our tickets and we have to go through their x-ray system again.

We do not have to take the computer out of the bag and I asked why not. They told us they have the newest version of the scanners, it read 5 times where the US only read 3 times.

I guess I understand this. We then went to another waiting room after checking in with a Continental attendant. They began to board the plane, with the usual first class, etc.

When it came to the main cabin, it was a free for all. Even though they asked for the people in the back, there was no check. When we got on the plane they had the AC on high. What a jolt.

I figured they would turn it down a bit during the flight but that was not the case. Most people had blankets wrapped around them. I am usually too warm, but today I had to use a blanket the whole trip.

I had a couple of incidents that made the ten hour trip less than enjoyable with Continental. The flight attendant was serving and elbowed me on the side of the head - saw stars for a few moments. The next time down the isle she was pouring orange juice and spilled it on my arm.

Along with the fact that the gentleman behind Gennie was hard of hearing and his conversation with his seat mate was very loud one could hear all his points very clearly.

Gennie and I could not sleep on this flight so we both finished our books as we traveled to Houston. Once there, we went quickly through immigration and customs.

We entered their main concourse and had to go through their security check. Once inside the gate area it was a zoo! All the seats in the gate area and all those surrounding were taken - this at 9 PM at night. It was also very dirty. Some people were complaining out loud that the smell was overbearing.

We finally got on the plane and even before the doors were closed, both Gennie and I were asleep. We got to Denver at 10:30, quickly got our luggage, took the bus to the Pikes Peak lot and our car where we loaded the luggage and were on our way home.

The road was pretty clear all the way through Denver and we got home at 12:30. We left our luggage in the garage, petted our creatures, took a quick shower and went to bed. We are always glad to be home safe and sound.


These CDs are compilations of slide presentations of each day (pictures of the events during the day) accompanied by music reflective of the nation and day.

On most CDs there are presentations on the people of the country, people traveling with the group, flowers, and panoramas.

On more recent trips, short videos have been included on the web pages and these videos are also available in the CD.

The CD is available for $20 US. Shipping and handling is included for US addresses. Slightly higher for overseas shipping.

To view an example of the presentations Click Here

As it is an 8:13 presentation, give yourself time to see it in its entirety.

Please contact for more specific information and a screen capture of the CD menu.


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