Complete Cuba

Day 11 - Sunday, January 19, 2014 - Flight from Miami, FL to Denver, CO; Drive Home to Sleep in Our Own Bed

Being able to sleep in until 7:30 was great! We had lots of time to clean up our email and get caught up on the GarciaTrips website comments.

We took a long walk in the Cuban neighborhood surrounding the hotel. It was hard to believe that we were back in the USA. Miami is truly the Gateway City for many people coming from the island only 90 miles away.

There were several places open to eat on this cool sunny Sunday in Miami. We chose a small sandwich shop and had a light breakfast. There was a Winn Dixie not far so we went in to see the different varieties of groceries they carried.

By the time we walked back to the Marriott we had time to finish packing our bags for our last flight home. Check-out time was noon but our flight was not until 5:00. We took advantage of the free WiFi and comfortable surroundings at the hotel.

Gennie printed our boarding passes and paid our baggage fees at the hotel's computer check in station. This was very helpful for those who choose dealing online to avoid the rush and long lines at the airport.

Vic worked on videos and photos while Gennie finished the journal from Saturday. The 2:00 shuttle took us to Concourse G and the United desk. There were only a few people in line to check bags.

Within five minutes we were on our way to Gate 16. On the way we stopped at a Burger King for a sandwich. The bar next door had the Broncos - Patriots game on their multiple TVs and all of the sets in the terminal were tuned to the AFC Championships.

We sat in the waiting area and watched the first half of the game. Most people were slow boarding as it was hard to tear away from the game. Finally the flight started to fill up and people found their seats.

Vic got out his credit card and paid $6.99 to watch the rest of the game on the Direct TV feed. Great plan! The flight was very turbulent and the seat belt sign was on most of the time. Everyone interested in the game was glued to his/her seat anyway!

After the Broncos won we watched the Sea Hawks and San Francisco so the four hour flight went quickly. Our landing in Denver was exciting as so many people were still celebrating after the game.

We got our bags and caught the Pikes Peak Shuttle to the parking area and we were on our way home. Our stop at Safeway to get a few essentials was quick and then up to Monument Hill and home to Elephant Rock.

It was 9:00 by the time we pulled into the garage. We had had a fabulous adventure in Cuba, but as always, we were happy to be home.

Accommodations: HOME - - - Meal: B

Please see our Trip Evaluation -- Click Here -- A Complete Review of
International Expeditions - Complete Cuba


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