Day 02 - Friday, January 10, 2014 - Depart Miami on Charter Flight; Immigration and Customs in Cienfuegos, Cuba; Tour of the City; Check In to the Hotel; Performance by Cienfuegos Choir; Dinner at Local Restaurant
The departure time was changed to 8:00 for leaving for the airport. Robin from California arrived late last night completing our small group. Everyone was there in the lobby and Lazara met us to say good-bye.
She introduced us to Ralph who would accompany us to the airport. He helped us to go through the procedures to get our tickets and check our bags for the charter flights.
While we waited, Vic went to the Dunkin' Donuts shop for a cup of coffee. He was kidding with the TSA agents ahead of him in line about perpetuating the "cops and donuts" legend. They laughed and even bought his coffee and a couple of glazed donuts. Already we know this adventure is going to go well!
We were the first in line and as soon the computers were up we gave the gate agent our visas and passports. We paid the $20 to check our bags.
The most interesting site was seeing all of the Cuban Nationals who were taking huge shrink wrapped packages back to their families. People with bicycles, big screen TVs, household goods, toys, and electronics were more than willing to pay for the excess baggage fees to take US products into their country.
TSA security was relatively easy and we were at our gate in the F concourse by 10:15. We were told to be prepared to be flexible - great advice, although that is a virtue for all travelers.
Gennie bought a sandwich wrap to share while we waited for our flight scheduled for 12:30. The five of us found a place to make camp and watch the Cuban nationals who were returning home.
The flight was delayed for 30 minutes, but at 1:00 we were off the ground and flying over beautiful Miami. The flight was not full so Gennie had a window seat and Vic was on the aisle.
She was able to take a few aerial shots of the clear multi-colored blues of the water and sandy beaches. When we had our first glimpse of Cuba, we were amazed at the thousands of acres of fertile green sugar cane and other tropical crops.
We were welcomed with open arms by the airport staff of the island. We went through passport control and then immigration. Because we are on a legal and authorized People to People expedition, our passports were stamped just as if we were going to any other country.
As soon as we cleared customs we were met by Bolivar Sanchez, our International Expedition Tour Leader and lovely Claudia, our Cuban Guide. Along with our bus driver, Eliecer, our group of eight was complete.
On the way to the hotel, Claudia welcomed us and told us a bit about this city of Cienfuegos or "City of 100 Fires". We were offered a welcome drink of fruit juice which was very refreshing. Our room at the Hotel La Union was very spacious and clean. The hotel was built in 1869.
We took our first unaccompanied walk around the city and found everyone to be exceptionally friendly. Vic, of course, got his Spanish brain going and made friends with everyone he met. Gennie found that only a few people spoke English so she will have to really work on her language skills.
We had enough time back at the hotel to shower and prepare or the 4:30 city walking tour. Claudia explained the beautiful French architecture and the complicated money system used in Cuba.
There was plenty of time to wander around on our own before our 6:00 concert in the Provincial Museum. We were treated to a phenomenal 30 minute performance by the
Cantores of Cienfuegos. Their repertoire of international, American, and Cuban selections made for a fast-paced and entertaining evening.
Our dinner was a buffet at an outdoor garden on the grounds of the Palacio del Valle, a mansion built by a sugar baron, taken over by Fulgencio Batista, the former dictator, then converted to a luxury casino, and now it serves as a restaurant.
The menu was pork roasted over an open pit, black beans and rice, baked manioc, corn meal, fruit, and salad. We were each allowed two beverages, wine, beer, soft drinks, or water.
By the time we returned to the hotel, changed some money into Cuban currency, it was 9:00. After looking at our hundreds of photos and preparing the journal of the day's activities, we were ready for bed.
Accommodations: HOTEL LA UNIÓN - - - Meal: B, L, D
Post a Comment!The school children were precious. Was there any meat on that pig? Seems very small and thin.
Day 09 - Monday, March 10, 2025 – Day at Sea, Plan D
Our night was quite rough, so the Captain stayed relatively close to the safety of the shore making it possible to see lights of the shoreline cities during the night.
After breakfast,...