Highlights E Europe

Day 4 – Sunday, May 2, 2010 – Lake Bled – Excursion to Alpine Jewels, Lake Bohinj and Visit to the Postojna Caves

Our day began later this morning as we did not have to meet until 8:15. We had a leisurely breakfast and then met Tamara again for the morning Optional Activity.

We got into the bus and made our way to the Julian Alps. Julius Caesar halted his quest to expand his empire at the foot of these majestic mountains.

We drove along the River Sava which flows to meet the Danube and then into the Black Sea. On the drive Tamara told us about the local economy that is generally agricultural with forestry, mining, and now tourism bringing income to this area.

Before us we could see the highest Slovenian peak (Mt.Triglav). Both Eva and Tamara reminded us how lucky we were to have a dry morning, although it was not too clear with many gray clouds. A cable car or gondola took us to the top of the Vogel Ski Area which was 4,995 feet in altitude.

Empty now, Vogel is one of the countries most popular winter sports destinations. It was 48º and 77% humidity at the top with lots of snow. We are used to the scenic mountain views and the snow, but the Aussies went crazy!

We all brought our “whisperers” with us so Tamara was able to point out various points of interest while we wandered around to take photos. We continuously thank Eva for thinking of bringing them as it makes the tours so much more enjoyable than being tied to the guide.

We were able to spend 30 minutes at the top. To warm us we were offered honey or blueberry brandy, coffee, or hot chocolate. Kalman was patiently waiting for us when the gondola dropped us off at the bottom of the mountain.

He took the back roads back to Bled through the valley so we could see the mountain villages surrounding Lake Bohinj. We walked around the small village of Obcina Bohinj to see St John's Church and the statue of the four mountaineers who first conquered the Triglav Mountain.

Our next photo stop was in Studor, famous for its wooden hayracks. There is no hay now as the animals have been kept inside feeding on it all winter. They have just been turned out into the green pastures to graze for the spring and summer.

It was almost 11:30 when we returned to the hotel. Eva and Tamara pointed out several places to have lunch but we went to the small grocery store near the hotel and bought a few pieces of their wonderful cheese, freshly baked bread, a soda, and we ate lunch on our patio in our hotel.

We met again at 1:15 for the afternoon’s optional activity, exploring the Postojna Caves. From Bled we traveled about one hour west on a modern toll road or motor way to the caverns.

Because it was Sunday and the May Day Weekend, the park was very crowded with many families and children. A live band was playing and even though it was drizzling a bit, everyone seemed to be having a great time.

The entrance of the cave leads to a small electric train station that took us about a mile into the cave. There we met our English speaking guide who walked with us for another mile.

The limestone caves are 21 km long and were discovered in 1818. They are now designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site. These caves are visited by 600,000 people each year.

Our guide pointed out the different formations that like all caves grow very slowly over thousands of years. The temperature is very constant; I measured it to be 53º and the humidity was 97%.

After our 90 minute tour we got back on the electric train to climb back to the surface. We met Tamara and Kalman for our ride back to Bled. On the way Eva was very kind to send a treat for us; delicious chocolates made in a neighboring village!

It was about 6:30 when we arrived back at the hotel, said goodbye to Tamara, and had a little time before dinner to freshen up, and get ready for dinner at 7:30.

After diner we came back to the room at 8:45 to do a little laundry and post the journal. Tomorrow is a travel day so we started to organize our bags for our trip into Croatia.

Hotel: Park Hotel Bled (Buffet Breakfast / Dinner)


What are "whisperers"? Sounds like I would like that!

Carolyn Moon   May 2, 2010 - 9:18pm
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Čuki Band - Postojna Caves

Čuki Band - Postojna Caves (3:28)

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Brandy at the Top of Vogel Ski Area

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St John's Church at Obcina Bohinj

St John's Church at Obcina Bohinj

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Postojna Cave

Postojna Cave

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