DAY 13 - March 26, 2005
Transfer to San José Airport/Flight Home
It was rise and shine very early with the wake-up call coming at 4 AM. We showered, packed our bags and were out of our room by 4:45. We walked to the lobby and had some OJ, coffee and muffins. We also had a chance to see our friends on their way to Tortuguero for the post-trip extension. At 5 PM Eddie placed us in a van taxi, we said our goodbyes and we were off just as the sun was beginning to tint the clouds to the east of San Jose.
We got to the airport in 20 minutes and after paying the $26/person departure tax, we went to check in with America West Airlines. The check-in attendant, Gabriella, was very helpful and courteous and we were given seats together, something OAT had not done with the switch in carriers ten days before our departure. We went through security without any difficulty and quickly and went to Gate 4-1 to wait for the plane. We sat by an electrical outlet and I was able to plug-in the computer and start working on the pictures. About the time we were supposed to start boarding, an America West representative announced that one of the crew members was ill, another would have to be flown in from Phoenix and that the flight was going to be delayed until 12:30 - GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They asked us all to come to the counter and they provided us with two vouchers for breakfast/lunch, each valued at $7.50. They also informed us that we would be rebooked once we arrived in Phoenix.
Gennie and I moved upstairs as it was ten degrees cooler and while she read I continued to work on pictures. I needed to continue to recharge the battery and people were very accommodating. Even the cleaning lady tried to help me find a plug by asking vendors if I could use their power. TACA allowed me to use their outlet by unplugging their public address system. I then had a Nigerian fellow approach me and ask if I had an adapter as he needed to recharge his computer. As I did not, I loaned him my power supply, he plugged it in to his Toshiba and charged it for about 30 minutes. He told me that for him to go home, he will have to fly to Lima, Santiago de Chile, Sao Paulo, Brasil, Johannesburg, South Africa and then Nigeria. I asked him why not go to Miami and then direct. He told me that it is almost impossible for an African to get a visa from the US or GB. Interesting!
At 10:30 we went to the food court and from the options of American fast food we chose Burger King from about five choices. We had our fix as we got a bite to eat and after talking to some Ticos we were ready to return to the gate area and await our plane. I found another outlet and continued to work while I topped the computer's power. With this delay, I am so glad that I had the foresight to carry my computer and its power plugs.
At about 12:10 we began the boarding with all passengers getting on a busses and being driven to the aircraft. We got ourselves situated and when Renée, the flight attendant arrived from Houston via Continental, we were ready to take off at 12:50. FAA regulations require that airlines have at least 1 flight attendant per 50 people and as we were 120, she either flies down or we would have stayed an extra day in CR courtesy of America West. Our fellow passenger could not see the movie from her seat on our bulkhead row so she moved back a few rows and we were again fortunate to have 3 seats for the price of 2.
The flight was uneventful except that about an hour out from Phoenix we hit some very severe turbulence. The plane shook quite a bit and in one such episode, a little boy on the other side of the isle remarked to his mother that "this is fun!" We arrived in Phoenix a little after 5 PM MST and had an easy time through immigration. While we waited for our luggage we were told to see an America West representative for connecting flight. She told Gennie that we were so late for ours that she had nothing. DUH! We went through customs, could not check our luggage so we had to go and start all over again. At the AW ticket counter Gary was super, diffusing what could have been a difficult situation. He told us we had tickets on the 7:08 flight, exit row, and checked our luggage and sent us on our way.
After going through the long line at security we walked to the A Concourse and had 20 minutes to grab a couple of pizzas at Pizza Hut. Gennie had a Marguerite and I had a Buffalo Wing Pizza with a Coke. It will carry us through. We walked to Gate 6 and Gennie boarded while I tried to charge the computer battery a bit. I had an opportunity to talk to some Army members who were on a week's leave to their home in Detroit and then to the Middle East. WOW! When the AW Public Address system recognized them they were surprised and appreciative. Once I got into the aircraft I had a lot of leg room as Gennie gave me the window seat.
We departed on time and our hour and a half flight was like the others, uneventful, except for the turbulence. We arrived 5 minutes early and the C Concourse was almost empty. Unfortunately, the luggage carousel was just the opposite. Several flights had landed at DIA (other concourses) at the same time. Our luggage was one of the first out and we were able to get them and out to go to the Pikes Peak lot to get our car. The temperature was in the low 30s but the snow that had fallen had melted. After we got our car we drove the one hour to our home, stopping at Safeway to pick-up some groceries on the way. At 11:30 we were home. A very long day!!!
If you wish to travel with OAT Click Here.
To receive $50 per person off your first reservation with OAT, mention the following information when reserving your Overseas Adventure Travel Trip: Mr. Victor Garcia Customer #673062
These CDs are compilations of slide presentations of each day (pictures of the events during the day) accompanied by music reflective of the nation and day.
On most CDs there are presentations on the people of the country, people traveling with the group, flowers, and panoramas.
On more recent trips, short videos have been included on the web pages and these videos are also available in the CD.
The CD is available for $20 US. Shipping and handling is included for US addresses. Slightly higher for overseas shipping.
To view an example of the presentations Click Here
As it is an 8:13 presentation, give yourself time to see it in its entirety.
Please contact for more specific information and a screen capture of the CD menu.
Day 10 - Tuesday, March 11, 2025 –Ship Docked in Málaga, Spain; Costa del Sol; Andalusia
The Clio docked at the Port of Malaga just before midnight enabling us to have a very calm night’s sleep. The alarm went off at 7:15 and we had...