DAY 01 - May 5, 2005 - Depart U.S.
We woke up to a beautiful morning with a Colorado Blue sky. Gennie and I were able to leave the house about 1:15 PM and took a picture of Pikes Peak in its snowy glory. We made our way to Denver, where we met some traffic but it was moving at 80 MPH so we were on time. We stopped for gas at Castle Rock ($1.97), the lowest we have seen in months. As we approached Denver we decided to have a late lunch at Paneras on Iliff. After eating, we went on to the airport and Pikes Peak Parking. We left our car at T4 and got on one of the buses for DIA.
At the Lufthansa check in counter we were about 10 back but it took us over 30 minutes to check in. The representative was very accommodating, helpful and we were able to check in quickly. The problem had been that one passenger had a very large kennel and dog that had to be processed. Another was going to Frankfurt with three bicycles that also took a lot of time. We were directed to the A Concourse so we walked there and went through the TSA security. Again, we were in the slow lane; it was OK as we had enough time to go to our gate (A43). When we arrived, I went to the counter and asked if it would be possible to have an EXIT row or be seated in a bulkhead. Thirty minutes later they called me up and had given us Row 43 A & B, not good as they were inside and I like the aisle but more leg room. Gennie and I had found ourselves a seat and I began to work on the Journal.
We were one of the first to enter the aircraft for Flight LH 447 and get to our seat. After some time, a very nice German mother and her son Nicholas, who we had met and spoken to at check-in, sat on the aisle seat. I asked if she wanted to trade, instead she asked on of the flight attendants if there were any two seat combinations she could be moved to. Fortunately for us she found a seat in the upper section and Gennie and I had three seats for the two of us and I had an aisle.
We left the gate at 5:25, just 5 minutes late and on the monitor I saw that our flight was going to arrive in Frankfurt in 9 hours. They had told us that the flight was full, but there were some empty seats. At 6:30 they served us a beverage and then we were told that dinner was either chicken or vegetarian pasta. Where we sat, Gennie was the last one served, as I chose not to eat dinner.
The flight was uneventful and I passed the time reading while Gennie was able to sleep a little bit. Our seats were by their food prep area in the middle of this 747 aircraft. It was quite noisy and the lights illuminated the first few rows in this section.
I did not sleep at all and it was not really a problem. Gennie got about 3 hours so she felt a little better.
Lufthansa Flight 447 (D)
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Day 09 - Monday, March 10, 2025 – Day at Sea, Plan D
Our night was quite rough, so the Captain stayed relatively close to the safety of the shore making it possible to see lights of the shoreline cities during the night.
After breakfast,...