Crossroads of Adriatic

May 15, 2007 - Tuesday - Ljubljana, Slovenia To Frankfurt, Germany To Denver, USA

Our wake-up call was at 4:30 today. We had a chance to go to the breakfast room as Tammy had arranged an early opening for us. We had some coffee, juice, etc. to start our day.

The luggage had to be out at 5:15 but we had packed all but the bare essentials last night. We got on the bus at 5:45 and made our way out of town before the heavy traffic of the morning.

The drive to the airport at Brnik was about 30 minutes and Tammy reassured us that the airport was small; lines would be short and security relatively easy. She was right!

We were the first ones in line, got our seat assignments, checked our bags and thanked Tammy one more time and said goodbye. We made our way through security and then on to the boarding lobby.

Ljubljana International Airport has five gates. Flights to Paris, Zurich, Amsterdam, Rome and Prague were called before our flight to Frankfurt. Our flight was on Adria Airlines, a local carrier and part of the Star Alliance of Lufthansa and United.

There were 10 of us traveling together. Bob - Susan and Clayton - Geraldine who will fly back to North Carolina. Dan and Phyllis will go to Seattle, Mary and Irene were flying to Corpus Christi and the Garcias on our way to Denver. Everyone will have at least one more stop or two; we are lucky to have a direct flight from Frankfurt home!

The gate agent called our flight at 7:45 and we boarded a shuttle bus to take us to the tarmac and the plane. After a brief safety review we were ready for take-off at 8:15, about 20 minutes late.

Our flight was uneventful and as we approached Frankfurt the pilot announced that due to heavy traffic we would be a little late for touch-down. At 9:45 we landed, were shuttled to the terminal in one of the many busses used here and met the rest of the group for another farewell.

We saw that our flight was not yet on the board but decided to use the Business Class lounge to check email and write our notes. We went through security, very tight but comprehensive, and then made our way to gate B-26 and the lounge.

We spent our time working on the journal, sorting pictures and reading. At 12:40 we went down and saw Bob and Susan. We wished them a good flight and we proceeded to our gate. After a slight delay we boarded and were only 5 minutes late leaving the gate. It was raining at the airport in Germany and only 52 degrees. A far cry from the wonderful weather we had on the Adriatic!

As we took off we saw that the plane was on a northerly direction and we were informed the pilot was trying to avoid the severe westerly winds. As soon as we reached cruising altitude of 39,000 feet we were served beverages, then an appetizer, our meal, and dessert.

As we flew over the Norwegian Sea, Gennie was able to see some icebergs below us. As we approached Greenland the skies cleared and we could see the spectacular scenery of the ice and snow fields and the high mountain peaks below the aircraft. On the western side it clouded over and we would only see clouds to Denver.

As we approached Denver International Airport we could see the ground below us and it was so green for Colorado. There has definitely been some rain while we were gone for 16 days.

As we disembarked from the aircraft and proceeded to customs and immigration we were glad to be home. We were fortunate to go right through the port of entry checkpoint quickly and our luggage arrived promptly. We made our way to the shuttle bus to the Pikes Peak parking lot, loaded our luggage and we were off.

As it was the beginning of rush hour we chose to take the E-470 bypass and made our way south. As we reached I-25 in south Denver we decided to get something to eat as we had skipped the last meal on the plane.

We went to Chipotle and had their famous Mexican dishes. Our son called and told us that he had just finished his movie that he had been working on in Austin and the cast party was tonight at one of Austin's famous restaurant, The Shady Grove.

We then headed to Safeway to get a few things for the morning and arrived at our house about 5:30 PM. I unpacked the car while Gennie got the washing machine started. We called it an evening about 8:30 and went to bed, dreaming of the wonderful trip and people we had met.

HOME! - - - Meals: B, L, D

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These CDs are compilations of slide presentations of each day (pictures of the events during the day) accompanied by music reflective of the nation and day.

On most CDs there are presentations on the people of the country, people traveling with the group, flowers, and panoramas.

On more recent trips, short videos have been included on the web pages and these videos are also available in the CD.

The CD is available for $20 US. Shipping and handling is included for US addresses. Slightly higher for overseas shipping.

To view an example of the presentations Click Here

As it is an 8:13 presentation, give yourself time to see it in its entirety.

Please contact for more specific information and a screen capture of the CD menu.


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Ljubljana International Airport

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