Day 11 - Friday, October 18, 2013 - Cruise to Festeşti; Bus Tour to Black Sea; Tour of Constanta; Walk the Promenade; Transfer to Mamaia
We woke up on Friday morning at 6:30 am, just as we were pulling into the small Port of Festeşti. Our overnight journey of 300 KM was not as long as first scheduled because of the low water. It was impossible for us to travel on Danube-Black Sea Canal but we took the bus on the land route which was a perfect Plan B.
The morning temperature was 58° and the humidity was 86%. Our driver Marion worked with our Trip Director as this was Bogdan’s wife’s home town and he knew it well. The other color groups all had local guides, but we had a city expert!
Bogdan told us about his nation; soccer is the major sport and it has been a European Union member since 2007. There is also a US Air Force base here still in operation, but during the Gulf Wars they were busy supplying goods and materials to the troops.
We passed a nuclear power plant which was a joint venture with the Canadian government. As we traveled on the new interstate, we could see the Danube-Black Sea Canal, often called the Blue Highway.
The people of Romania have been Christian since ancient times because the Apostle Saint Andrew preached the Gospel here in the early 1st Century. He is the patron saint of the country.
On the way to Constanta, an ancient town on the Black Sea, we could see the cranes and the hoists for the freight containers that come into Romania’s largest seaport.
Our first stop was at the Archaeological and National History Museum where we saw the ancient Roman ruins from the city of Tomis, right on the harbor. We learned about the Roman poet Ovid and his stories of family life on the Black Sea.
We visited the Roman Market, with its typical mosaic floors and walkways that look exactly like carpet. The ruins were discovered accidentally in 1962 when a foundation for a modern building was being dug.
We had about 45 minutes on our own to explore. There were torrential rains yesterday that left the city in mud. In addition to the mud, the historical center was being renovated and tile setters were covering the streets with new stone tile from China. This was after new sewer, water, and electrical lines were put underground. Next year would be ideal to visit Constanta!
Our next walk was to the Eastern Orthodox Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. We were able to go into the icon covered interior and see the artwork completed and consecrated in 1895.
We got back on the bus and went to the resort area of Mamaia where we stopped at the IAKI Hotel for lunch and a walk down on the beach of the Black Sea.
The season was long over so the beach was empty except for the thousands of shells washed up with the seaweed. Gennie was in heaven finding the perfect ones to bring back to Colorado.
At 2:45 we left Constanta and took the bus back to Festeşti. There was a gentleman missing from the Blue Dot Group so Bogdan went back into Constanta to look for him. We found out later that the man who was left behind realized he had wandered from the group but had enough good sense to take a taxi back to the boat.
When we returned to the boat we started the journal and the photos and then got ready for the Captain’s Cocktail Hour in the Lounge. At 7:00 we had dinner in the Captain’s Club, only a few passengers, the Tour Directors, and the Captain were there tonight.
At 8:30 we went back to our room to finish the story of our 10 days on the River Splendor and then pack. Tomorrow we leave the ship and ride on the bus to Bucharest for our final day and night of the program.
Included meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner ms River Splendor
Arrive Festeşti, Romania 7:00 AM
How totally interesting - from beginning to end!! Gennie, you are a fantastic descriptive writer and it makes me feel like I am actually there and experiencing so much of your trip. thank you again so very much for keeping me in your "loop" - you two are very interesting people and glad our paths crossed, even for a brief time!
What is the name of the Air Force base that you referred to?
Post a Comment!I would have liked to have been there with you. Sounds like this day had everything. By the way, your new rocks have a five inch coating of snow -- and a little wash-down (rain) before the snow. A cold, crisp Colorado day.
Day 10 - Tuesday, March 11, 2025 –Ship Docked in Málaga, Spain; Costa del Sol; Andalusia
The Clio docked at the Port of Malaga just before midnight enabling us to have a very calm night’s sleep. The alarm went off at 7:15 and we had...