EC Amazon & Galapagos

Day 06 - Monday, December 8, 2008 - Transfer by Canoe to Coca--Fly to Quito--Optional Tour: Archaeology & Traditions

Waking up to the sounds of the jungle reminded us of the simple life we have experienced during the past three days. Living with limited water and electricity and the clean but humid air was actually refreshing.

We enjoyed our breakfast and then thanked the staff for their generous hospitality. At 8:00 we boarded our motorized canoe for our last ride up the Río Napo to return to El Coca for our flight to Quito.

On the river we saw the oil company speed boats, the river taxis, people fishing on the river, and families washing themselves along the shore.

We landed at the Yarina Hotel and walked around the town of Coca exploring this small city. The people were very friendly and allowed us to take photos in the market and in the shops along the streets.

I took a picture of a four roofers who were taking a mid-morning break and drinking Cristal, the Ecuadorian national drink made from sugar cane alcohol. They offered me a drink.

Even though it was only 9:30 in the morning, and too early for drinking, it tasted very good! Don joined me and we took pleasure in a little mano-a-mano time in Ecuador!

We made our way back to the dock and boarded our open air bus for the short ride to the airport. There was an oil company charter going out right before us so we waited in the lobby until they left.

The crew leader told us there are several flights to Quito each day and this plane would take them to the capital and then turn right around and pick us up.

The waiting room had wi-fi so I checked our mail and caught up on the world news. Gennie worked on her UOP classes and in no time at all our flight was called.

Flying into Quito during the daylight hours was even scarier than at night! The mountains wrap themselves around this city very snugly and the landing strip is right in the center of town.

Our OAT driver picked us up at the terminal and we went right to the city market for another Learning and Discovery. I was interesting to see the many unique fruits and vegetables. Antonio was very patient in telling us the names and uses of the foods.

The staff at the Reina Isabel Hotel was waiting for us and our luggage was in our rooms when we arrived. We quickly gathered our jungle gear and sent it directly to the laundry. It should be ready for us by 9:30 this evening.

Antonio gave us a brief orientation about the neighborhood and suggested several places to eat as dinner was on our own tonight. We all went our separate ways, Gennie and I went to a Brazilian Rock Shop we had seen not far from the hotel.

Our next quest was to find a post office. We asked several people for directions and they kindly told us how to get there. It was quite a ways and we had not walked all day so it was good to stretch our legs.

On the return we searched for The Magic Bean, a restaurant Antonio had recommended. Don and Marilyn had just ordered and asked us to join them. We had a delicious dinner together and enjoyed comparing notes on our travels.

We returned to our hotel just as it was getting dark. Gennie worked on her classes and I posted the journals we had been saving during our jungle adventure.

At 9:30 our laundry arrived at our room and we were able to pack for our very early flight to the Galapagos Islands in the morning. The sounds of the city were a stark reminder that Ecuador is truly a diverse country. We were not in the jungle any more!

Accommodations: Reina Isabel Hotel - - - Meal: B

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I have enjoyed your comments and pics! My parents, Bob & JoAnn Stoneking, are traveling with your group and have asked me to follow your progress. If you get a chance, tell them their son say safe and have fun!

Mark Stoneking   December 12, 2008 - 5:14pm
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Napo River at El Coca

Napo River at El Coca

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