Spring Trip to Austin

    Day 1

    Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - Spring Trip to Austin, Texas - Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum; Buffalo Lake National Wildlife Refuge; Lubbock

    We began our Spring/Winter trip to Texas at 4:45 am. We had worried about bad weather coming in during the night, but when the alarm went off, all we had...

    Day 2

    Wednesday, February 26, 2014 - Spring Trip to Austin, Texas – Lubbock to Abilene; I-20; Homes and Towns of the Hill Country; Austin

    At 8:15 we were all packed and ready to leave Lubbock. There was no reason to wash the car, it was foggy and 23° and we knew...

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Day 13: Azores & Madeira: Portugal's Unspoiled Archipelagos

Day 13 - Saturday, April 22, 2022 - Depart for U.S.

The hotel prepared a box breakfast for us as we had to be in the lobby way before the breakfast room was open.

Last night we found out that our departure flight back to...

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