Day 1 - October 21, 2015 - Wednesday - Depart for Iowa; Drive Through Northern Colorado; Into Nebraska; Western Iowa to Lake City, Iowa
We wanted to have an early start to get through Denver before the heavy morning traffic. The alarm went off at 3:00 and we left the house at 3:45.
Vic took the first shift driving while Gennie & Buddha got a few more winks. Traffic was light through Denver but there were still people out on the road, traveling or going to work on this rainy Wednesday morning.
Driving through the rain northeast on I-76 two deer surprised Vic near Sedgwick, Colorado. After our past experience a few years ago when a deer hit us Vic used evasive measures and avoided a near collision. Needless to say, that woke all of us up!
We had a few delays for breakfast and potty stops, but we crossed Nebraska on Interstate I-80. We had forgotten about all of the semis that travel this transcontinental roadway from San Francisco to Teaneck, New Jersey just south of New York City. At times there were almost bumper-to-bumper trucks in both lanes.
When we crossed the Missouri River at Omaha and drove into Iowa at Council Bluffs, there were three large wild turkeys on the roadside. They were busy eating shelled field corn that dropped as the trucks brought the grain to the city.
The smell of livestock was another wake-up call that we were in Iowa. Large cattle feedlots, pig shelters, and turkey and chicken conglomerates dot the countryside. The corn was perfect for picking and although most of the corn is still standing in the fields, large John Deere picker-shellers were working late into the afternoon.
We drove north on US highway 71 to Auburn and then drove east to Lake City on Hwy 175. After a very brief stop at the local car wash to get the bugs off of the windshield, we drove out to The Farm!
Gennie’s brother Jim and his lovely wife Linda were waiting for us with a welcoming bonfire and a glass of Scotch. We met Yeager, the hunting dog and the four cats, Richard, Little Richard, Garfield, and Odie along with the two horses, Codie and Codie II.
After settling in we had a farm fresh dinner, caught up on family news, and by 10:00 we were ready for a good night’s sleep.
Sounds like you are off to a rolling good start on your fall foliage tour! Have a wonderful time and stay safe. Many blessings!
Yes, welcome to Iowa! We've been putting on a good October for you. Are Jim and Linda "farming" in NW Iowa?
It is so pret6ty there this time of the year. Just doesn't last long enough!! Then the rains strike and then God dumps his beautiful dandruff on everything. LOL Have a good time!!!
Post a Comment!Fall in the Midwest. I love it!
Day 09 - Monday, March 10, 2025 – Day at Sea, Plan D
Our night was quite rough, so the Captain stayed relatively close to the safety of the shore making it possible to see lights of the shoreline cities during the night.
After breakfast,...