Colombia-Joyas y Café

Day 1 - Monday, March 24, 2014 - Depart Denver, CO to Atlanta, GA; Connect to Bogotá, Colombia, Dinner

Overseas Adventure Travel

Colombia's Colonial Jewels & The Coffee Triangle

Edgar Ernesto Ruiz Rodriguez

Yesterday we had four inches of heavy snow to shovel and plow. Today is beautiful, but only 25 degrees. You have to love Springtime in Colorado!

Our spring trip this year was supposed to be going to Ukraine and Moldova with Overseas Adventure Travel. We had scheduled the trip last September, way before the political upsets that began in November.

Watching the news and the crisis heighten, and not wanting to be war correspondents; we had a premonition that the trip would be cancelled. Two weeks ago we got a call that we would not be going to Ukraine, but we could reschedule and not lose any of our full payment.

The OAT catalog showed a new trip to Colombia. We had been to Cartagena on our post trip to Panama, but wanted to see more of the interior of this beautiful country. Hastily we arranged for flights, received our necessary paperwork, and packed our bags for the cold climate of the mountains of Bogota, and also for the warm Caribbean beaches of Cartagena.

Our alarm went off at 6:00 and we were on the road by 6:45. All of our bags were packed and in the car so we just did a few last minute morning chores so the house would be ready for Tim, our friend who will stay with Buddha.

As usual when we travel during morning rush hour, we took the E-470 toll road to DIA. For a Monday morning in Spring Break, the parking area was pretty full, but we did not have to wait long for a shuttle.

The first leg of our flight was to leave at 10:42 to Atlanta. As we had booked the trip so late there were very few seats left and no two seats together. We arrived to check-in as early as we could trying to get two of those reserved seats that they hold for emergency situations. Luckily we were given two seats together with an aisle seat for Vic.

When we had checked our bags and gotten our seat assignments we went through security and then on to our gate. We had plenty of time to get a breakfast sandwich along the way.

Vic had all of the files ready for the GarciaTrips journals and we set out to record our South American adventure. This trip will not be like our past journey to Cuba where we had no internet connectivity. We will give our readers daily updates of the sights, sounds, and tastes of Colombia.

Just as we were ready to board, a fuel truck hit the side of our aircraft. Because there was a dent on the surface of the Boeing 757-200, the maintenance crew had to work on the aircraft. The flight was delayed until 11:30, but the ground crew did a nice job getting everyone on board as quickly as possible.

The flight was smooth and uneventful; we landed at 4:00. As often as we fly, we still take time to thank our flight crew for our safe arrival. The layover in Atlanta was supposed to be a little more than two hours, but turned out to be just over twenty minutes.

We had a few minutes to run to our International gate at the other end of the nation's biggest airport. We made it to the gate in time for our 5:36 flight to Bogota boarding at 4:50.

The flight was full, mostly businessmen on their way to work in South America. We were able to upgrade to Economy Comfort seats but they were in the middle and none of the gentlemen around us were willing to trade.

The flight left on time and we survived the four hour flight into the Andes and down to the capital, Bogota.

Our preference is to arrive in a city during the daylight hours just to get our bearings and see the city in relation to the airport, the hotel, and other surroundings. It was pitch black when we landed at 9:00, not even a sliver of moonlight to brighten our way.

Another smooth flight and we were on the ground in Bogota and got our bags. We then we cleared customs and immigration, there is no required visa or entry fee to visit Colombia. Our Tour Director, Edgar met us and we went straight from the airport to our hotel with Carlos our driver as Edgar awaited the last arrivals.

There was an included dinner at the hotel but we were too tired to eat. After we checked in and found our room, we organized our bags, took a shower, and fell into bed.

Accommodations: Hotel de la Opera - - - Meals included: D

If you wish to travel with OAT Click Here.

To receive $100 per person off your first reservation with OAT, mention the following information when reserving your Overseas Adventure Travel Trip: Mr. Victor Garcia Customer #673062

Please see our Trip Evaluation -- Click Here -- A Complete Review of
OAT's - Colombia's Colonial Jewels & the Coffee Triangle


Sooo glad you're not in the Ukraine:) Would MUCH rather hear about your SAFE travels on a sunkissed beach in SA. Thinking of you from the dentist office in Seward...not my teeth...fellow cruiser from Austria needing a QUICK filling for cracked tooth...for $600+:( Safeguard those teeth:) Have a wonderful alternative trip!

kathy   March 25, 2014 - 9:18pm

Sounds like you will have a wonderful trip despite the rough start. What is the temperature like in Columbia? It was HOT when we were there. However, it is COLD here this morning--18 degrees the last time I check. We will really have to bundle up for our walk this morning! Hope you have a wonderful trip. Stay safe!

Carolyn Barrett   March 25, 2014 - 12:44pm

Looking forward to reading about another South American trip. Have a good trip and catch up on your sleep.

Marv   March 25, 2014 - 11:43am
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