Day 01 – Sunday - December 12, 2010 – Flight to Atlanta and Panama City, Panama
It was a Denver Bronco sunrise, orange and blue – perhaps an omen that the team will do better under a new coach today. As we finished our last minute chores and then said goodbye once again to the cats, we were off at 6:30 for another OAT trip (Overseas Adventure Travel) or as we learned in Israel, Old American Tourists!
The drive to Denver and DIA was easy; no traffic and no weather hassles. We listened to NPR and heard of all the winter weather in the Midwest. Gennie’s brother told her yesterday it was too cold and snowy to hunt, must be an Iowa Blizzard for sure!
Security at DIA was very light and getting to Gate C38 on the underground train was very easy. There were several delays on flights coming to and from the Midwest, but our flight was still projected to have an on-time departure.
The “Good Flight Fairies” were looking out for us, when Gennie checked our reservations yesterday we were somehow up-graded to first class for this leg of the journey to Atlanta.
The flight was full, but we had plenty of room and great Delta service as usual. Our flight was scheduled for two hours and fifteen minutes. The landing was smooth and the pilot reported that the temperature in Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson was 28º with snow!
We had to sit on the runway for over 30 minutes as the aircraft at the gates were backed up due to weather conditions delaying other flights. We rode the underground train to the T Terminal and quickly moved to our gate T-05 for our 5:35 flight to Panama City, Panama.
I called our son Eduardo and got a quick update on the Broncos and told him we were safely on the ground in Atlanta. Gennie worked on the journal for the day while I talked to the Delta gate agents. Unfortunately, there is no free internet in the airport.
The departure time was delayed until 6:31 as the plane from New Orleans was still on the ground. Hurry up and wait; the story of travel and weather conditions no matter what season… Flexibility is the key!
We finally got off the ground at 7:25. The flight to Panama City, Panama's capital city was about four hours. We did not have the luxury of first class but with such a short flight it was not a concern.
At 11:25 we touched down in Panama City and quickly went through immigration. There was no charge and no visa needed. After getting our bags we went though a complete luggage scan for customs and then met our OAT greeter, Sivily.
The driver took us along with four more from our tour to the hotel; a 20 minute drive from the airport. At the hotel we met our Tour Director, Gustavo who gave us just a short briefing and a packet of information for tomorrow’s itinerary.
The porter brought the luggage to our room right away. Our computers were connected and we started unpacking for our stay in Panama City.
Gennie completed the journal and I got ready to send out our first post. We have had so many beautiful wildlife visitors we thought you might like to see a few photos of them. The Panama photos will begin with Day 2 of the Journal.
Accommodations: Hotel El Panama
I am late on your trip, but am catching up
Just wanted to let you know I am following your travels. Glad to see you made it in the icy weather.
Post a Comment!great wildlife in your own back yard! have a wonderful journey. i'll be following your adventures.
Day 09 - Monday, March 10, 2025 – Day at Sea, Plan D
Our night was quite rough, so the Captain stayed relatively close to the safety of the shore making it possible to see lights of the shoreline cities during the night.
After breakfast,...