Israel - Holy Cultures

Day 01 – Friday, October 15, 2010 – Flight from Denver to Atlanta, Atlanta to Tel Aviv, Israel

The sky was dark but with bright morning stars when we woke up at 6:00 to prepare for our travel day. After making sure the house was all ready for Tim and saying goodbye to the cats we left the house at 6:58 right on schedule.

It is wonderful to have our friend and colleague Tim who lives in our home when we travel and makes sure that our two cats have all of their daily comforts while we are gone.

It has been a beautiful Fall here at the tail of Elephant Rock and the photos we are sharing on Day 1 of our Journal are of the visitors we have enjoyed all summer. It has been fun watching our orphan baby bear grow and mature as he survived on his own.

When we arrived at the Pikes Peak parking area we were very surprised to find many empty parking places! We had just pulled into an end spot and the shuttle bus was right there to pick us up for our next adventure.

We checked our bags with the Delta agent and called our son to let him know we were on our way, and then we could relax. Even after traveling as much as we do, we are always glad to make sure we are at the right place and on time!

The line at security was short and we rode the underground train to our terminal. We arrived at Gate C36 to organize our carry-ons and to people watch. While I established waypoints on our GPS, Gennie started to write up the journal for Day 1.

We understand that many of our readers do not have time to read all of our ramblings, but it is nice to know we have the technology to keep in touch with our friends, neighbors, and family.

At 10:30 we were allowed to board our Delta flight to JFK in New York. Our flight was full and as soon as the flight attendants closed the door the service agent told us there was a minor problem with the aircraft.

A light display in the cockpit was malfunctioning and they were trying to find a part to replace it quickly. At 11:30 Delta postponed the flight and they told us they were flying the part in from Salt Lake.

This delay would cause us to miss our overseas flight from JFK to Tel Aviv. The gate agents were working fast and furiously to pass out meal vouchers and to reschedule those of us who would miss our connections.

Floyd, the agent in charge, took us in line right away and efficiently rerouted us through Atlanta with a direct flight to Tel Aviv. We used our voucher to buy a sandwich and then we walked to C40 to catch our 1:24 flight to Georgia.

We were assigned the last two business class seats on the flight, but we were not scheduled to sit together. As we each had aisle seats, it was not hard to convince a gentleman to change seats with Gennie.

All settled in and able to relax, we enjoyed our 2 ½ hour flight to Hartsfield-Jackson. It was another full flight, but we were comfortable and on our way at last.

We arrived in Atlanta at 6:00 EDT, and walked from the A Concourse all the way to E! It was a good walk and we arrived at the Sky Lounge just in time to watch a beautiful sunset over the tarmac.

Gennie finished up the day’s journal and I called Eduardo to let him know our progress. The lounge was not crowded at all so we had a relaxing evening until our flight was called at 9:30 pm.

The overnight flight to Tel Aviv was projected to be about 12 hours. Hopefully, we will be able to rest a bit and arrive refreshed to start our learning and discoveries of Israel.

Meals in Flight.


I'm ready for another trip with you.

Norma   October 16, 2010 - 11:10pm

a lucky start to a great trip...hope it all continues for you. having fun with the grand-girls!

kathy martin   October 16, 2010 - 7:58pm

I look forward to another interesting journal and photos.

Marv   October 16, 2010 - 3:22am
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