Day 01 - Tuesday, September 15, 2009 - Flight - Denver to Detroit to Amsterdam, Netherlands
On the road and in the friendly skies again! Packing our bags for the Safari was interesting – it will be very warm during the day and cold at night in the African Bush.
At 7:35 we said goodbye to our two cats and told them Mr. T. would be back to take care of them soon. They are really getting used to us traveling and there were no last minute problems as we know Tim will be on duty!
Our drive to DIA was trouble-free; the morning traffic was moving right along until we got to Dry Creek. We took the C-470 Toll Road so traffic was light and we made excellent rime.
A very kind Delta desk agent helped us to use the Northwest kiosk and we were able to check without a glitch. By the time we had received our boarding passes our name was called to check our bags all the way to Nairobi.
The 11:15 flight was on time and we were early so we had plenty of time to take a breath before the flight. Gennie fired up her little Acer computer and she found that DIA now has an open access, free wi-fi.
She checked on her classes and e-mail messages while I read the Denver Post for the last time for three weeks. I took a few photos and we spent the time people watching and waiting.
The secret of good traveling is being able to “hurry up and then wait” – not much different than my father used to say about the US Navy!
We had a relatively short flight (2 hour and 51 minutes) to Detroit, then a three hour layover before our long flight to Amsterdam. While I walked around to explore this very clean and modern airport, Gennie recharged her laptop and caught up on the day’s journal.
We shared a fast food dinner from Popeye’s and sat at the gate area waiting for our over-night flight scheduled to leave at 7:20 PM. There was no free wireless network here in Detroit; we were spoiled in Denver!
The gate agent called our flight at 6:25. The flight was full, no chance for an upgrade on these international flights – too bad! The 7 hour and 50 minute flight is the price we pay to get to the other side of the world.
It has always been a concern for us to have good photos on the first day of our new trips. There are only so many photos to take of DIA.
Today’s photo opportunities were limited to the insides of airplanes. We decided to include shots we had from our early life together as we traveled throughout the USA. We hope you enjoy these photos and promise pictures of the trip tomorrow.
Accommodations: Northwest Airlines Flights
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Day 10 - Tuesday, March 11, 2025 –Ship Docked in Málaga, Spain; Costa del Sol; Andalusia
The Clio docked at the Port of Malaga just before midnight enabling us to have a very calm night’s sleep. The alarm went off at 7:15 and we had...