Imperial China

OAT Day 1-01 - Sunday, April 6, 2008 - Flight from Denver to Los Angeles - Trans-Pacific Flight

The luggage was all packed in the car when our alarm went off at 3:15 AM! By 4:10 we were on our way for another Overseas Adventure Travel journey. Ready with a new camera for Gennie, extra note paper, and lots of additional pages in our passports, we were off to China!

Traffic at this early hour was very light so we took I-225 around Denver and arrived at DIA at 5:10. We found a parking spot right way and a shuttle bus was there to pick us up within a few minutes.

The counters at Frontier Airlines were busy already and as we checked our bags we were told our layover time in Los Angeles was 12 minutes too long and TSA would not permit us to check our luggage all the way to Shanghai.

We received our boarding passes and walked to Gate 53 for our flight to LAX. We had ample time so we relaxed and watched a beautiful sunrise over the Colorado Plains!

Our flight was on time and very quiet. We had all three seats so we both slept a bit as we flew over the Great American Desert. Gennie was able to snap a few photos of the Grand Canyon; immense, even at 36,000 feet!

At 8:45 Pacific Time we landed at LAX, claimed our luggage, and then walked right to the Northwest Airlines ticket desk. In no time at all, we sent our luggage through the X-ray machine and then passed through security ourselves.

We found the Northwest World Clubs Lounge where we camped out for the morning. At 12 PM we went to Gate 28, waited a few minutes and then boarded the flight to Narita, Japan.

We had seats that we never had before, in the upper area of the 747. We were well taken care of and after they served a scrumptious meal, the shades were closed so people could sleep. As it was 4 PM Colorado time, it was a little difficult. But with an almost 12 hour flight we needed to get some shut-eye.

Accommodations: Flight on Northwest Airlines

If you wish to travel with OAT Click Here.

To receive $50 per person off your first reservation with OAT, mention the following information when reserving your Overseas Adventure Travel Trip: Mr. Victor Garcia Customer #673062


Sounds like you are off to another big adventure. Interested to read about your doings as China is definitely in our future plans...

Jack and Andy Conine   April 8, 2008 - 6:27am
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Map of the Route

Map of the Route

Pikes Peak the Day Before We Left

Pikes Peak the Day Before We Left

Sunrise at DIA - HDR

Sunrise at DIA - HDR

NWA 747 at LAX

NWA 747 at LAX

Vic and Gennie - Seat 73A & B Top

Vic and Gennie - Seat 73A & B Top

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