Chile Fjords-Patagonia

OAT Day 13 - Wednesday, December 12, 2007 - Montañas Fjord & Bernal Glacier

During the night we had wind and strong waves. As the boat rocked and rolled, shower doors banged and glasses went flying! We were told that winds reached 80 MPH and in the morning the temperature was 49° and the humidity stood at 62%.

We visited the Montañas, or Mountains, Fjord in the morning, where we observed five “small” glaciers that hang from the hillside and reach out toward the sea.

We anchored at the Bernal Glacier with expectations of a hike along the walkway over the glacial ice. Because of the heavy rains we were not able to get off the ship.

After breakfast and trying to brave the wind and rain to take some photos, we went into the lounge so I could work on a photo for our fearless leader, Duane.

Gennie did a little laundry and read. Others played cards, read, and relaxed. The weather has not been perfect, but everyone is still in good spirits and seems to be keeping busy.

After lunch Gennie went on a tour of the kitchen. I took advantage of a last minute opportunity to take a trip to shore in a relatively quiet cove named Caleta Skorpios.

On a whim, I decided to take a dip in the fjord. I got back on the tender and returned to our room to put on my swim trunks and get a towel. Gennie agreed to go with me to take photos and witness the madness.

Others along the abalone shell strewn beach agreed, I was crazy to swim in the 49° weather and in the water coming straight off the melting glacier. It really was not too bad, but I did not stay swimming too long.

After a warm shower, I joined the rest of our group in the lounge. We thanked Duane for putting this trip together with a gift certificate and a photo of the 14 of us as we began our journey in Rapa Nui.

We motored from the fjord in the late afternoon and crossed the Kirke Passage, and arrived at Seno de Última Esperanza (Last Hope Inlet) just before dinner.

We met Maria Elena in the lounge at 7:30 for a group get together to discuss the procedures for our departure of the Skorpios III, drive to Punta Arenas, and flight back to Santiago. She also requested that we fill out the evaluation form OAT will send to us as we finish the trip.

The unbelievably elaborate dinner this evening was hosted by Captain Constantinos. A buffet with all types of fish, meats, salads and dessert was enjoyed by the passengers.

Accommodations: Skorpios III Ship - - - Meals: B, L, D

If you wish to travel with OAT Click Here.

To receive $50 per person off your first reservation with OAT, mention the following information when reserving your Overseas Adventure Travel Trip: Mr. Victor Garcia Customer #673062


holy crap! that made me cold just looking at it. the trip looks fantastic. my 5 year old daughter asks "how are you going to cross that in a canoe?"

Dude Spellings   December 16, 2007 - 12:49am

You sir, are a madman. But a very lucky madman at that. Sounds like you had a blast. Take care and call us when you're in Austin again.

Derek Brown   December 14, 2007 - 5:33pm

That's awesome that you swam! Good for you and I'm glad you can say you did that now. Knowing how much you like the cold I bet the water was like getting into a hot tub!

Eduardo A. Garcia   December 14, 2007 - 4:56pm
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